Archive: September 2022

Exhibition Beyond 2022 - Projects Holywater & White Tower
news | September 29, 2022
Exhibition Beyond 2022 – Projects Holywater & White Tower

Exhibition BEYOND 29.09 – 01.10 / 2022 Beyond is the first international stage for Industry in South Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the MENA region. The exhibition is designed to address today’s needs and become the melting pot of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products. Exeo – Software house in collaboration with ViLabs – Versatile Innovations was a part…

Exhibition Beyond 2021 - Project eVarosi - Cineculture
News - Exhibition | September 28, 2022
Exhibition Beyond 2021 – Project eVarosi – Cineculture

Project evarosi – cineculture EXHIBITION BEYOND 2021 Beyond is the first international stage for Industry in South Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the MENA region. The exhibition is designed to address today’s needs and become the melting pot of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products. Exeo – Software house in collaboration with ViLabs – Versatile Innovations was a part…

Conference - Project Holywater
news | September 16, 2022
Conference – Project Holywater

Conference 16-17 September 2022- Project Holywater A conference about the project took place in Laimos of Municipality of Prespa entitled as “Cultural Heritage and the functional utilization of the monumental wealth of Prespa”. Representatives from the municipality of Prespa, the Ephorate of Antiques of Florina, members from the Society for the Protection of Prespa, National Park of Prespa, variety of…
